When I read a lot of these posts it seems a lot of people in karting have this image that it's run like a charity.
Karting is completely commercialised (i.e. businesses are competing with each other for your money) from the classes run to the major championships.
Nothing against this at all, as this is the way the western world works. However where we karters lose out is that with the MSA having less and less control of the sport in effect once a class is approved it becomes a blatant monoploy which prices to serve it's own interest above everything else. Whilst there is a Monoplies Commission to protect Joe Public from Monopoly exploitation Karting is just too insignificant to fall within it's radar. Plus people with no interest in motorsport and especially karting (i.e. 99.9% of the population, no replies please about my % it's only to make a point) are probably more than happy to see us pay over the odds as a lot of them don't know where their next meal or rent payment is coming from.
So when Martin Hines or any other prominent and respected figure makes a comment it has to be understood in the context of whatever agenda they are interested in pushing. They are looking to manouevre things in a way that will help their businesses v's the others.
There are vast amounts of money being spent by some to succeed in karting. But it is the tracks and clubs which are not seeing their proper share of this. Now a club is like a Charity which exists to serve it's club members and provide the track which surely is the foundation of the whole sport. Yet despite the money being spent in karting most tracks still have very poor facilities. i.e. poor toilets, stone paddocks, very poor viewing infrastructure.
So my proposals to improve karting is: 1) Clubs to charge significantly more for per competitor entry fees to visiting championships, in return for improved facilities. 2) Race teams to be required to pay the club a significant fee for being allowed to operate their businesses on the club's premises for both club and national events. (trading vans already have to do this so how is a team with 5 to 10 paying drivers any different)
These proposals will help in the following ways.
1) Clubs will get their fair share of the pot to help them provide better facilities which helps the sport and the club competitors who are it's foundation 2) It will encourage more people to run as privateers as the additional team fees will be passed down to them. 3) The money no object brigade will still keep the better teams running 4) Making then clubs stronger (who are the drivers representative) will help them stand up to the commercial interests and give them more influence on how the sport is managed and developed in the future.