After a meeting at Rye I was approached by two people I didn't know and they asked me if there was a trophy for third place in the TKM senior final.
There had only been eight entries so it meant there was only first and second.
I asked why they were enquiring.
'Well, our driver has been racing for eight years and never won a trophy'.
Today he came third and will be devastated.
'Tell him to turn up at trophy presentation' I replied.
We arranged a third place trophy for him and I hope he got as much pleasure as I did out of giving him a prize.
I don't think it dilutes the achievments of people because there are drivers who for whatever reason, never come in the top three but their lower place trophy can secretly mean a great deal to them.
Not everyone can win so spare a thought for the people who don't but still turn up to swell your grids and enable you to race.