You are being silly.
First, I am not even bothering to read Paul's comments. There's never been any sense in them and he has no interest in debate or discussion. He's just an a*se-ache! I won't be bothering in futire either so, if you find he's said something interesting to which you want to refer, you'll have to copy it for me.
Secondly, you have moved TO my position with the by adding 'when cost is not a factor'. That immediately implies that, if costs IS a factor, you CAN have too much data. Data storage DOES have a cost, even if you can't put a value on it when the volume is small. Take something as simple a paper-based data: even if you only use waste paper to 'contain' the data.... as the volume rises, the storage costs start to mount and storage, of itself, has COSTS!
On that basis, when costs ARE a factor, you are now FULLY accepting that you CAN have 'too much data'. I never exclused the cases involving 'costs', however, you and Paul had tried to eliminate even those cases by your blanket claim that: 'you CAN'T have too much data'.
So.... now that you have ACCEPTED that, once costs come into it, it's EASY to collect too MUCH data....
Now let's show where it's NOT just cost that's the limiting factor here.
In the case where the data storage was almost free but when you simply could never process the data because you don't have TIME to process it. Let's take exhaust note. You could easily store significant data simply by recording the sound your exhaust makes. There's a HELL of a lot of data within that 'sound'.... however, you just DON'T have the apparatus nor the time to process that sound..... The cost is all but ZERO to collect the data: just go to any jumble sale and you'll find cassette recorders and tapes for pennies. You COULD thus record and store the data for PENNIES......
So..... recording your exhaust sound would cost you pennies and we KNOW there's lot's of data within that sound.... your logic.... it's free.... so you MUST be recording the exhaust note already..... or will do so after this email..... Just confirm that you will be doing so in future and I MIGHT start to accept your point..... I don't expect I'll need to.....
However, if you take it to the extreme..... you will accept that the random background noises of day-to-day life ARE 'data'. Are you recording THAT? Even when there is NO benefit to be had by HOLDING that data to you..... even if I offered to record and store it for you...... wouldn't you say to me.... "Christ, Ian, that's just TO MUCH DATA......."?
I love the Beatles, I love their music and I am interested in SOME trivia about them. I like to know about how Paul and John interacted with each other and I DO collect some of that 'data'. I might like to know what guitar Paul played on XYZ track...... but if another Beatles freak offered me the data on EVERY time they changed their guitar strings and exactly what thickness each string was, or what the pre-amp settings were for EVERY day of their rehearsals..... do you think I'd WANT that data....? Wouldn't THAT be an example of 'too much data.....?
I cannot see why this stuff has been so hard for you. Using standard 'reductio ad absurdum' techniques, it's blatantly OBVIOUS that you CAN have too much data.
You have to remember, my life's work revolves around FILTERING data.... doing that job, you quickly find that it is a PUSH-OVER to get 'too much data'! Sometimes, the quantity of data is SO large that we don't have machinery fast enough to process the volume. 'Sampling' that data implies that you have REJECTED the data that made the whole dataset un-processable. That portion was, clearly: 'too much data'!