...having had time to read the msa press release properly etc, all said, i can see where they are coming from. like has been said, instant points for overtaking under yellows is a bit extreme, especially when kids are learning, however this shouldnt detract from the point that overtaking under yellows is wrong, and should be punished, so maybe a time penalty or dsq would be better than points, because at lease clerks would be more willing to give these rather than points. must be stressed though that its incredibly dangerous to overtake under yellows, and if by doing so you cause an accident or join the accident that the yellow flag is for, then only points and a dsq should apply, at the end of the day you are putting someones life at risk.
also maybe a yellow card, red card should apply, do it once you get a slapped wrist and a dsq/place drop, do it a second time and you get points.