Saw Tom last night when he collected his kart.
He still looked quite sore and shaken but knowing him, he'll be back with a vengance, he's a toughie.
His karts not too bad but he did hit the tyres with a hell of a thump.
I'm biting my tongue at this point but I was not happy with the day.
Being in receipt of a communication from a certain source that states that 'we' as a club 'interfere', it would appear that when we don't, 'things ain't what they used to be' as Max Bygraves would say.
Alex Ferguson grumbles quite rightly about referees and I can sympathise with him.
Some decisions make my jaw drop.
I'm sorry to everyone who had their day spoilt but HKC aren't allowed to 'interfere' apparently.
So, if you have a problem with the running of the day, then it is to the MSA that you should address your complaint.
HKC only run the club apparently and our responsibility stops there.
Being able to watch proceedings for the day as I am now a free agent, I thought the driving standards from some people was not good, to put it in the nicest way.
If it had been up to me, quite a few would have been on their way home.
I thought the HKC side of things went very well actually.