I think there are afew points here on this discusion which has a get out claus.
A earlier post on here said that the MSA specify the seal. NOT JAG! THis would be a get out claus on any monopoly in my view. Afterall Jag have not said you have to have a seal to race. MSA do! Therefor it changes things. This is a loop hole, where Jag is not specifying it, but the MSA. To race a MSA event, they specify a seal, which you agree to under their terms or racing their series. NOT JAG! This is a loop hole I think, which has probably been looked into before and any laywer could expose if this discusion ever went to court on the defendants side.
The other thing you have to remember. Karting is a very small sport/business in Europe. Any thoughts of a monopoly would never go to court. Unless somebody has the 'balls' to actually take action.
Regarding service agents. Think about your car. When you get it serviced it is your choice if you go to Dagenham Motors or Mr back street garage, when you get it serviced to keep your warranty. This is your choice. This is not forced upon you as it is your choice. Afterall all the manufacturer is trying to do is keep the standard of workmanship to a certain level (in theory). Afterall how long is the warranty??? 6 months???? probably 12hrs of use if you race once a month.
With the other post of finding out a reason why a engine has gone 'bang' This is easilly identified by the marks left in certain positions on the bore.
I am no Lawyer and yes I am for this discusion as I do think the current idea of the 'wire' is complete 'B%LL'.