Firstly thank you for the warm welcome, now back to I did a few searches and have settle with the carb settings of 2 & 1/8th's on the low and 1/8th's on the high, how does that sound? Also while I had the carb off I decided to use a service kit I had for it. replaced all the gaskets and other bits as I went so as not to confuse myself (not hard says the wife), at the end of this I had bits left out of the kit, they were two silver dish type things, Half circular gasket and 1 rubber type seal Retangular in shape, same size as the retangular filter type one on the fuel inlet side, on this side i replaced three parts, a small circular filter, a gasket and a filter these were the same size. on the other side I replaced everything that I took out, but when I took off a plate held by two small screws there were only one rubber type seal and a gasket all of the same size, the kit had 1 rubber seal and two gaskets, I hope this all makes sense. I guess the answer I am looking for is that this is the norm....please tell me that?