Hi Hootsman, We have tried all the avenues you mention.We had problems halfway through the second meeting with our kart - handling issues but cracks not showing as yet.The agent we bought the kart from was aware of this, as we were actually running with him under his team awning at the time. Cracking apparent at fourth meeting.Brought this to the attention of the agent who told us at the time that the crack was in a "strange place" and there was no point in welding it as "the kart would never be the same again".He said that he would get in touch with John Hoyle and get back in touch with us. A couple of days later,he told us it would be better if we took it up with John Hoyle ourselves.He,John Hoyle,is very,very hard to get hold of but after numerous calls and emails,he asked us to strip the kart down to the bare chassis and deliver it to his business address for him to inspect - we did this.Heard nothing despite several calls and emails.Over a month later we heard,not from him,that he was not responsible for the sale and any claim or communication should be with his agent.We felt that this was rather off after asking us to take the chassis down - 500 mile round trip. It was only after we had to involve Trading Standards that John Hoyle told them - Trading Standards - that it was not his reponsibility and that we would now have to pursue his agent as we had actually paid his "agent" for the kart. Unfortunately,the "agent" has made it clear he will not speak to us and when we sent him an email,it came back to us stating that he had "blocked" any emails from our email address which leaves us no form of communication.We therefore have been left with no option than to go down your aforementioned small claims route. So we feel that we have been very reasonable.We have known this "agent" since we started karting a number of years ago and genuinely did not expect to be in this situation.We are not naive and fully understand that agents will receive a commission or fee for the sale and we even told this agent that he could hold onto that and just refund us whatever he actually paid John Hoyle for the kart but but that seemed to fall on deaf ears too.Any info and it has not been much has come from other people.We were even told at one point that our chassis was in Italy with Intrepid for inspection but have no idea if this is correct or not as the main dealer,John Hoyle and his agent will not speak to us.It really is disappointing as after more than 6 years of racing,our first ever brand new kart purchase has turned so sour. We actually should have had the court case heard by now but unfortunately,the snow and ice meant we could not travel on the day of the hearing,so the date has been moved to February next year. We should emphasise now that a refund is the only option.Quite a number have been used by people we know.Some of them were onto their third Intrepid Storm chassis and many others welding these karts up just to continue racing.Some of them and there have been pictures posted showing what can only be described as catastrophic failures.Ours was cracked on welds but also the main problem for us was the crack on the tubing.Given the horrendous failures experienced by others,we were not willing to put our son into another Storm kart for obvious reasons.I dont think we are being overly dramatic in saying that there appears to be a serious and genuine safety issue.Yes,karts can crack but not in the numbers that appear to be happening to the Storm and I dont think there have been serious failures in the numbers here and to the same extent with any other chassis out there.