To be honest,and, it may well be that I am being thick here, but I am pretty confused by this thread.
I`m not quite sure what you would want JKH to do?
I mean, I agree with you that the chassis may well be a pile of crap, but would they not maybe argue that this has been caused by ontrack contact/collision, rather than poor workmanship, and could this it be proved conclusively that this is the case?
I agree that answering phone calls and emails is very much an integral part of any business and JKH are indeed very poor on the customer relations aspect if they are refusing to do so.
But, at the same time, as you correctly point out, Cheshire to Buckinghamshire is a long way, and, whilst, yes, I would not expect you to have to take your damaged kart to them, equally, is it their liability to come out from their base to view your kart?.....and, as I say, maybe argue the point as to whether the damage has indeed been caused by poor workmanship.
I may well be completely missing the point, but that is how I see it.