"There are a few issues with pool engines, the key one being what advantage is there for the average driver? The championship organiser has to provide around 100 engines, around 50 to £100,000 of capital (2 for each of 30 competitors and spares for those that are in maintenance, get damaged, break or are subject to protest. The ordinary driver is going to have to have his own copies of the engines anyway for non-race practise because he won't have access to the pool engines. The additional cost of the pool is going to be recovered from the series. Either that means that the championship have to generate enough extra sales for the manufacturer to fund the engines, or sales for the championship or extra fees from the same size grid.
So, if the idea was to lower the price of karting by regulating engines, putting a £100k cost on as a starter seems a fairly oblique way of going about it."
First off why 2 engines per competitor? If the engines are reliable and equal it's not required. For a championship you only need to give each driver the chance of one engine swap, if they really feel they have drawn a lemon.
Supply of the engines would be down to the engine manufacturer. If they want the engine rights to a class, then they agree to supply the pool engines (FOC or at most Cost) for the British Championship. Even if competitors each had to contribute £500 to £1000 each for say 6 rounds to cover maintainance, dyno time and admin it would still work out cheaper than running their own high level engines.
I should say, this has been done, I've seen it done and taken part in a national competition with pool engines provided free by the manufacturer. It wasn't perfect by a long way, because it was organised by the French who couldn't organise a p!55 up in a brewery and the engines were no where near equal enough. But overall the reception among the average karters was very positive and it greatly increased the accessability of the French Championship in the class. Even the son of a F1 champion turned up and entered one year, came last lol.