"Don't see how you can reduce the number of championships, we have Super 1 and FKS for 2-stroke and Formula 6 for 4-stroke. How is that too many?"
You seem to have a less than inclusive view of national championships. For example both the NKRA and to some extent NKF run national championships. Then there is the schools championship, NATSKA and the Universities, all of which can claim to be national events more or less aligned with the MSA (I draw the line at Greenpower as not being 'karts').
So is the proposal say that none of these can run in the future, or that they cannot use the title 'National' on its own, in the same way as only a limited number of events are "British" titles. The NKRA for example runs 'National Clubmens' events as well as the National Champs for Formula Blue, though they no longer issue prestigious numbers for the clubmen classes to avoid confusion with, essentially, SuperOne and its claim to National status.
"On the rest, no new classes are needed and we have too many."
That is patently not true, because people are still introducing new classes. They do that because they are not satisfied with the classes that there are, or perhaps in the way that they are run.
Besides, I notice that your 100 National and Formula Libre have not left an empty niche but have been replaced by TKM Extreme, Formula Blue and Rotax.
You see, the MSA have no patent on karting. If one tries to force drivers into a mould, they can go elsewhere and the majority of karters have done just that, by staying with corporate karting or running at Non MSA tracks. However the problem would seem to be that the MSA formula of owner/driver and ferocious expense is becoming increasingly less popular until there's a very simple equation. If the current break even is X karts at a meeting and the average number of karts at X-Y then either the prices are going to go up or the clubs will find some way to attract other classes/ drivers and accommodate them into the MSA based structure.
And that requires that people have a much clearer view of what the MSA contribution and advantage is. For example, exactly when and why do you need to licence drivers if they already drive safely without a licence in hire karts. Is it when you take away the wrap-around bumpers, is it when the speed becomes 'quick', quicker than the untrained hand can cope with,or is it when you get a number of drivers with race experience in the same event, people who won't back out of a potentially dangerous situation ?