You see thats the trouble with forums, people like to spout off whilst hiding behind their lap top, instead of, if they truly believed they were correct proudly telling us who they are!!
And i agree you dont have to be the quickest kart driver to understand whats going on, but i think in your case it might just help if you could back up your self imposed guru type status!
As for the original argument, and black boxes, i get on just fine with me and my weather station and a few observations of the engine gained by a few years of 2 stroke experience, sometimes i dont get it bang on and i will be the first to admit that. As for a computer programme to help you then why not if you can work it well, after all you only have to look at moto gps, the very best race engineers in the world and their lap tops, but also backed up[ with lots of practical experience!!
Steve Sawford, hkrc rotax 177 driver(masters at that)And not frightened to tell you who i am if i am prepared to tell you what i think..
I will allways offer people advice on a race weekend if they call by my awning.