Thoughts on youre video....
I sat through it and realised another reason why I hate the Rotax.......
However, the video is good (except for a boring Northern voice.....)
1) I think you need a 'lead in'. At the end, you explain why you are setting/calculating the 'factors'. However, an unititiated user wouldn't know that is what you are leading up to. An Intro would help them; something like:-
"Every Carb is different; we need to check each carb to see how much of an 'allowance' we need to make for these differences on your own, personal, carbs. We also need to make an allowance for the specific 'needle' within the carb. These 'allowances' will be called 'factors' in the video"
Obviously, that's a rough draft....
2) You mention checking the Plug, Piston and Exhaust. Those with experience know (or THINK they know!) what they are looking for in those things. However, necomers don't know what to look for at this stage. It would be a great idea to show them video clips of where to look and what to look FOR and what the 'colours' mean in terms of what to change. You also don't mention the effect of cruising into the pits and waiting in a queue before creeping round to their pits and the effects this can have on the colours of the piston, plug and exhaust.
3) The text at the bottom of the video does mention that the 'factors' are taking into account the various exhaust you could use; I think you should mention that in the video. Most people don't WANT to read, nowadays, and woulod use a vido as a way of AVOIDING the chore of reading. Thus, with a video, you need to let the video explain the matter, itself.
4) You start at a 'factor' of 464 (I think) but you don't mention if that is a figure was just plucked out of the air ('Random', in kiddies' terms) or whether this is/should-be a 'default' figure from where they should start. I'd give them some 'default' start factor for both.
5) You could do with explaining, at the start, that this video is about 'calibrating' the software to a specific carb/plug/exhaust/etc. combination. At first glance, I expected it to be a video about how to use the software to SET the carb, not 'calibrate' the software TO your engine. Obviously, the user NEEDS to do this calibration but I can easily see potential buyers being frightened-off if they used this video to assess the software. It could easily look 'scarey' to newbies!
For marketing purposes, why not produce a video showing your software in use AT a kart track once it's all been calibrated? Obviously, mention the calibration process will need to be done but give them a video which shows them how easy your software is to USE.... once they have calibrated it!
I think you'd get more buyers if you showed them, that, once set, it's....
1) arrive at the track 2) Take weather conditions and 'plug' them into the software 3) Read the 'advised' jet and needle settings 4) DRIVE...... and win the heat! 5) Check the weather again between each heat/final and re-enter the data and make changes as suggested. 6) win the subsequent heats and the final!
In reality, that's what your software really DOES offer, let them SEE that!
Please take this in the manner it's meant: light-hearted with the intention of helping you sell more software. There is ZERO negative criticism coming from me! In my book, you are one of the 'good guys'!
With respect