Tyre sniffer.... A device purported as being able to 'detect' if a tyre has hads illegal chemical tyre treatments applied to it. Sniffers are oaccasionally used at races to detect cheating at RACES and to deter such cheating
Clingfilm.... stops volalite oils from leaving the tyre. However, clingfilm CONTAINS 'volatile oils' which MIGHT be able to be detected and mis-read by a Tyre sniffer......! A certain family....claimed the tyre sniffer had detected the oils from plastic bags (!) and that they had NOT used yre treatment......
You sound new to this stuff..... so.... don't worry about this sort of minute details. At this stage... the biggest problem will be your DRIVING! Spend as much time 'bum-in-seat' at the track as you can. Read everything you can and talk to EVERYONE that you can..... but remember the MOST important rule.... 80% of everthing said in karting is plain WRONG..... if you ever find out which is the 20% that IS right..... please tell the rest of us!
Welcome to the fun-house.....!