Shall we smell the coffee as the old saying goes! We have raced for the past 10 years in Rotax and really enjoyed ourselves, geting quite a few accolades along the. But this has all changed over the last few years with 1) "07, or 09, or 10" cylinders". 2) "why does'nt my power valve work anymore". 3) "Oh heck they have changed the rules about idle jets and floats" 4) "they have just brough out a new coil-green" 5) "they have changed the rules about the clutch" 6) " is this the 5th exhaust we have to buy to be competative" 7 " nightmare why do my tyres not perform corectly ? like they used to?, why have i had to change 7 axle stiffnesses, just to be .8 off the pace" The result is NO ONE can buy a brand new Rotax kit and be cometative! You have to pay for fiching ? how much money do you have to find the GOOD cylinder? My engines the dogs? what do i do about the ancilary bit? You then have to go through dozens of carbs, Airboxes, coils, power valves and exhausts jist to find the good ones. If you think you have put the right cash in then your wrong. You then have to go through all your bit and engine and select the best package, or the fastest. Can you imagine how long this takes both on the dyno or the track. You could'nt guess the costs. This is why in my opinion Rotax has gone wrong. Imagine my surprise and delight when the weekend before last we went accross to Castelletto, Italy to compete in the first KGP international race. Thursday we got there and engines all came in boxes-new. We all assembled them, run them in for 10 mins and had a really great weekend racing. No selecting airboxes, carbs, power valves , coils exhausts. Just get on with the job. Does this give some of you out there and idea of what is happening in UK karting nowadays. Regards mike snr