Hi Ian, You make valid points which is why I asked if anyone has come across INDEPENDANT testing of either neck brace. If no such evidence exits then I have only other drivers / parents experiences on which to base my opionion. Again, I didn't ask for recommendations, just experiences (good or bad). This issue is not new to me. Having spent years competing in Equine Eventing where it is normal to have several fatalities every year safety equipment is very much discussed. Body protectors are compulsory in this sport but still the argument rages as to the benefit in all types of fall. I can only base my decision on available information (factual or anecdotal). There seems to be little of either out there atm. I lost a very good friend many years ago at just 16 years old. He was killed when involved in an accident on his motorbike where the weight of his helmet in the whiplash broke his neck (coroners verdict). So yes, no saftey gear helps all the time and can cause the very thing you are trying to avoid. Nothing is black and white. I'm just trying to remove as much of the grey as I can before making any decision. To do otherwise would be failing as a parent.