Another newbie dad/mechanic/sponsor here. I took a slightly different route in that my lad had a full days coaching (Protrain) the first time he ever went out on a track as I wanted him to learn the right way from the start. This was invaluable to both of us. He learnt the baics of racing lines, braking points etc from the outset and has continued to use this training every time on the track. I spent the day listening very closely to what was said and have found I can help him much more than I would have otherwise been able to. What I have found is that it seems much more productive with my lad to work on just one corner at a time rather than a whole track. get one corner nailed in term of line, braking, power-out before moving on to the next. He takes his arks test next week with his first race the following weekend at Kim. I'm now planning on a second days coaching for him but this time using spellfame who offer a day with the coach on the track at the same time with vid on both karts. This should allow him to follow when something is demonstrated and particularly to practice overtaking. It will also allow him to view the vid of his sessions and discuss with the coach. It's not cheap but I think will be well worth the money. I use Spellfame for most of my parts and have found their advice in changing the kart brilliant. The kart he now runs has little resemblance in handling terms to the one he started with.