"If the Rules didnt change every year"
The Rules don't change every year.
The rules were clarified this year at the request of the MSA, following a couple of incidents where misinterpretations occurred. Explaining exactly what they meant doubled their length. This was immediately useful because at one meeting where a dispute started, the club was able to point to the rule, which stated exactly how the points were calculated.
The only element of the rules that change 'each year' applies to the weights and restrictors for Formula Blue which rotate over three years to eliminate any slight advantage that a restrictor might have in one year. This is done at the request of competitors, although no-one has proved that any restrictor has ever had an advantage. Usually what happens is that someone claims that restrictor X is faster on one track why another competitor is claiming that restrictor Y is faster on another and typically the Grande Finals or the 'O' plate features several different restrictors in the top 5 I suppose you could say that another element varies, different clubs get the rounds on different dates each year but that's because club calendars vary.
Other championships make changes too, which seems to upset their drivers even more!