Colin.... you are right about he gearbox and the clutch pedal and I was wrong. : I'd missed it as it's BACKWARD! I still can't beleive that 'T' shaped thing is the gear lever but.... from the REST of the kart, anything is possible.....
.... except that thing being Rotax! For a start, the carb is in the wrong place, it faces INWARD (to the kart) whereas the Rotax carb (if mounted on the original inlet) would have have faced OUTWARD. However, kart-converted Rotaxes has the carb inlet cut into the side of the 'crankcase' in the same way that contemporary 100cc engines did.
The exhaust has a 3 bolt manifold whereas the Rotax had a 2 bolt one. The Rotax did NOT have 'pimples' like that on the head-fins and the head fins were MUCH taller.... nor did it have that strange 'cut-out' on the barrel fins.
I think it MAY be a CZ... it just ISN'T a Bombardier Rotax 126 (125cc)! I am sitting here with photos of my old 125cc Rotax Gbox kart in my hands at this very moment!