1) Peter Hayward (who some of you will remember, if you doin't, whe was a VERY good 250 International racer!) used to run a lawn-mower etc., company. He told me off when he serviced my Chainsaw and Mower. He correctly noted that I had been using racing two stroke fuel from the karts...... and that was the cause of the problem. He waqs happy to accept my payment which would be all TOO regular if I carried on using racing fuel!
He claimed (and he SHOULD know) that the burn temp in garden machinery is vastly lower and that the fuel remains in the fuel lines and carbs for MUCH longer than we would leave it in a kart (it can be two to three weeks in a lawn mower, months in a strimmer and possibly even a YEAR in your chain saw!). The high 'stickiness' of racing two stroke oil is simply WRONG for your garden machinery. He claimed it gums-up the garden machinery carbs. Finally, he pointed out that we run MUCH higher fuel-oil ratios in our racing engines where your lawnmower, generator etc. may use a little as 50:1 ratio. That over-oiling will AGAIN cause problems.
So...... what should you do?
1) only mix the amount of fuel that you are going to USE! If you think you'll only need another 1 litre of fuel.... only MIX a litre, not 5 like we usually do!
2) Take the fuel to your council dump and dispose of it properly.
3) If you have any groups of local young motorcyclists who go 'off-road' and are cash-poor, offer it to them for free! They will usually welcome it!