I think what Alan is doing for the sport is great. The one thing that I don't really like are the graphics. They all seem too complicated. They are well produced but I think the 3d bevelled edges etc don't help. Everything seems to be divided up into boxes when a straight list would do fine. Sometimes simple is more effective. By the way I own a TV production house. With regards to footage Alan should convert the onboard camera footage to 25 fps before editing. Its easily done. Also the flickering that occurred is due to the field dominance of the footage. HD runs in upper and SD (standard definition) runs in lower. You should never drop HD footage into a SD timeline, your asking for trouble. Alan would be far better converting the footage, so that its all the same format, then edit from there. It will save you time in the long run. We have been editing in HD for nearly 2 years now and most TV Stations still don't except HD Formats.
I'm sure there are plenty of willing people in the karting fraternity who also work in the same business would like to help make this better in the long run. He's only got to ask!
Hats off to Alan for doing what he's done so far.