Back from GYG....forgetting it was local to me!... so before I start editing the grid positions, I'll quickly answer some of the other comments.
Jambo I did not agree with all of your comments, not least because I didn't actually bother to read the novel you wrote. Reading again, some of your comments and opinions had some justification, but talking about templates when all of the 3d motion graphics were designed originally by me, were misleading. Likewise it's difficult for you to understand how I choose to edit something without a full understanding of what I ultimately had to work with. We do not have access to all the onboard camera footage for example, only the select few we have downloaded for us at the track.
All of the footage is graded for TV, including the whites and colours. Even the over exposed images where used out of necessity were adjusted using colour correction and filters.
As stated by NM, much of the comments have to do with teething troubles using the HD cameras for the first time, but we made some changes to the settings and how we used them for the Rotax round, and I believe those who watched the resulting programme in HD today at GYG will testify as to the stunning picture quality. You will not necessarily see that in an SD broadcast, only if and when it is broadcast in HD.
Ben was right in stating that HD can be awesome one second, and shocking the next, a fact we found out to our cost, and can be a difficult to convert into SD from HD.
As for the dog.... most people (well, me...) find stuff like that amusing, which is why I included it. Dude Albone makes a brief appearance on Monday.
Despite your vitriol Ben (hate is a strong word but you are still young) you have immense talent which I helped to nurture and I will always respect a balanced view based on your professional knowledge rather than personal hatred, which has no place on a public forum. If you want my opinion about your professional abilities, you should have got the F1 job IMO. Jambo, good luck in your chosen career.
Can I remind everyone that they can contact me personally by phone or email to discuss any aspect of the productions throughout the season, as indeed several already have. I will always respond and consider constructive criticism.
Alan 0871-220-5365