I am not sure whether we disagree or not, Dave.
However, here is a pretty reasonable explanation of 'Ackerman Geometry.
It makes no mention of 'two holes' in the steering 'spade' or it's equivalent as the 'two hole' approach is a SECONDARY wy of induing Ackerman gemoetry. Similarly, this artiucle.... and all the others I have found:-
Many articles make a note of the fact it is most usually effected by mounting the track rod to the drag link (at the 'stub') so that the distance between the two opposite sets of drag-link holes is LESS than the distance between the two king pins. This is codified as : "having the drag links angles 'inwards'"
Many articles mention that it can ALSO be effected (shorthand description) by having two holes in the drag links as you mention. However, that tends to be a SECONDARY way of inducing Ackerman geometry.
However, that's EXACTLY my point; a number of kart manufacturers seem to think that the use to two holes in the 'spade' IS 'Ackerman' when they are ALREADY USING Ackerman geometry by having the drag link (at the hub) angles INWARDS!
Radio Control car people don't seem to make that error!