Jon, thanks for making me jealous. I wish I had the talent to write in such a concise and informative way. Unfortunately I don't so I hope you can bear with my ramblings.
If what you say is true, and I have no reason to doubt it, then the decision to ware or not ware a neck brace is dependent on the individuals understanding of risk. Safety is only based on the probability of an incident, and the probable severity of any probable consequences.
So the probability of an accident in karting is quite low but the probable consequences are severe. So if we go karting naked we will probably be all right, but if the improbable happens then we will probably have serious injuries or die. So we conclude that we should ware a helmet and protective clothing.
As with most change, some new possible consequences arise. One of which is wearing a helmet increases the likelihood of a neck injury. So we now need to know the probability of that, and the probable severity of the consequences.
Going on your own evidence, the probability of a neck injury is low and the probable consequences not severe. So I conclude, that for me personally, the cost and inconvenience outweigh the risk.
On a final note, I also resented the imposition of the UK motorcycle helmet law. And I still do. But that is a huge discussion about liberties and a non workable socialist ideal, not about safety.