"I can't understand why the TKM sequential plate has to remain as there is nothing in the TKM regs that states that the chassis has to remain as it was manufactured - so you can modify it as long as it satisfies the Blue Book regs."
The TKM plate has to remain, because thats what the rules say. There is something in the regs that states the chassis has to remain as manufactured: B3.3.11 Rear, front and side torsion bars are specifically banned. If a kart is manufactured with torsion bar options each bar must either be either be removed or welded permanently in place. The only additions permitted to chassis are items to meet latest MSA Competitors’ and Officials’ Yearbook safety regulations.
I have no idea what Paul Klassenn may or may not have said on the subject, but these are the rules. Whether or not they are enforceable, & whether scrutineers will routinely try to enforce them is a bit immaterial in the event of a protest being lodged.