I've had a go at someone refuelling their Son's Rotax kart on the dummy grid with the driver seated and getting splashed.
A crutch full of heavy vapour on a cool and still day with a nice sparking start button, Hmmmm.
The girl who had her scalp ripped off in a kart accident.
The kart started on it's stand that fell off and whizzed down the pits on full bore.
The engine that wouldn't stop because it had pre ignition and hands and fingers everywhere trying to stop it.
The cadet Dad's who preheat tyres on the dummy grid with the kid in the seat AND people standing around.
The list goes on.
Also, if you give advice, you can be held responsible for that advice, so it should either be accurate or carry a warning.......... . . . . IN >CAPITALS< just like Ian does it.
Luckily he never gets tired of warning people.