Please don't forget that the members practice and entry fees at Shenington have not been increased since 2006, and from 2005 to 2006 the only increase was £2 on the entry. We just cannot continue to hold down the prices any more, if we are to keep up track maintenance and so on, and the VAT increase back to 17.5% makes a price hike almost inevitable. We were saved to some extent by the 15% this year. Also the club is not a profit making exercise for anyone, everything goes back into the club. It's awkward to make small increases every year, because of needing to have lots of small change, so we think it is better to hold the same price as long as possible then put up by a round number. Although we have spent some money on keeping the S1, its not huge, and more than compensated by having the extra drivers practice and race. As always, have your say at the AGM. When we see what many are spending on kart equipment add-ons, surely £10 extra after a four year standstill for a weekend is not massive in comparison and we think our Winter 100 entry fee offers great value for money, as does our Super Prix in June.