"Rotax has nearly twice the power of a TKM" (John)
Is that really what's important? Personally, I couldn't care less how fast I'm going against the stopwatch. If I wanted speed I'd do gearbox. You can still get pretty fun racing out of rentals, and they're nowhere near a TKM.
At club level (which is what we're talking about comparing Max/Blue/KF Clubman/TKM) should value be the most important factor? Isn't it this that makes the sport accessible to newcomers?
For myself, trying to race in Scotland: Max entry cost is prohibative, and grids are declining. Blue is cheaper to buy, has good grids, and should end up being cheaper longterm. TKM Senior appears to be THE cheapest class around, but doesn't seem to exist up here unfortunately. KF Clubman... we'll see.
"This sport really has lost its way" (Iam de Fastese) - Agreed.
(Double post - went in the wrong section earlier)