My boy has been MSA club racing in Minimax for the last year and we are slowly finding our feet, both on and off track. We’ll continue to race our club championship but have been looking at running in NatSKA as well.
NatSKA appeals because: - You get to race at other tracks - You go to race meetings en-masse, as part of a bigger team, meaning better advice, assistance and, hopefully, more fun! - Regular club nights mean we can both learn a bit more about the mechanics and technical aspects of the karts. - It’s cheap! Disadvantages: - Being only 11 my boy would have to race a Honda 160 4-stroke, which is a bit of a step back in terms of performance to his Minimax, but I’m sure the racing offers the same challenges. - We would have to buy another kart but I believe the engines are £250 or so and an old rolling chassis can be picked up for a similar amount of money. - The occasional clash of weekends with our club racing.
Has anyone had experience of running in NatSKA?
What would it be like jumping from one type of kart to another every other couple of weeks or so? Could this prove to be detrimental to my boy’s driving? I’ve been told the techniques of driving a Rotax and a Honda are very different.
I’d be interested in your thoughts or opinions.