AlanR and myself apear to be people who actually DO things for our differing communities. We both give our time, effort and care for absolutely NO financial reward. Common sense would suggest that we'd both get tons of 'thank you's, no criticism, help and support from those we help.
However, that is NOT what happens. What both of us (seem) to get is abuse from those who do NOTHING to help others, don't have the IQ to undestand the problems, spend their time whining and, finally, abuse from morons.
I know nothing about you and, perhaps, YOU do the same as Alan and I. Perhaps YOU help your chosen community as much as we do. However, and I am obviously guessing here, I suspect that you may NOT do these things. Why do I think that? Because you wonder why Alan (and I) get completely P***ED OFF at receiving nothing but abuse for what we do. I just feel that you WOULD understand Alan's position if you ever stood in his shoes for 5 minutes.
Alan and HKC have done as much as the few, more than most and a VAST amount more than Tal-Ko to help promote TKM. The latest abuse of Alan by some of you must make Alan feel: 'good riddance to ALL of you!'
Alan.... keep it up mate! We both know what you do for Karting, HKC and what you HAVE tried to do for TKM! The ones who cannot see all these things will NEVER understand, no matter WHAT you do! And people wonder why I have such a jaundiced view of the great mass of the unwashed!