Well....... the reliability of the one I have been using is simply LUDICROUS! It NEVER seems to go wrong, it starts every time and it FLIES! God alone what it costs as Kai so rarely seems to sp[endf any time on it. The only regular failure seems to be the external, axle-mounted, standard-karting type water pumps and I suspect that is because Kai rarely uses the kart!
You really will need to see and trun one of these things to believe it.
You may or may not know that I have NOTHING to do with these motors (I don't own one, sell them, rent-out tracks, arrange races, NOTHING) and I have been karting for over 50 years! There simply is NOTHING like this out there! They are what karting SHOULD be and should have been for many years! The size, peculiarity, lack of 'curve' to the power curve, smoothness leave everything else for dead and suit karting down to its ROOTS. These are the first WORTHY successors to the insane air-cooled beasts of the 1970s and 1980s!
They are NOT cheap to buy but they seem to be VERY cheap to run.....except for fuel which the guzzle compared to other karts.... but who the hell CARES about that? It'll still use a fraction of the fuel that you use to GET to the track!
And for those who think a 125cc will leave them, you ought to know that I out-DRAGGED Kai's 125cc Gbox at the end of the straight at Rye with his Aixro! Neither of us believed THAT would happen! And when it came to cornering..... And remember, I am a FANATIC for the 125cc Gbox class! Yes, the Gbox will (probably) beat it at Kimbolton, Shennington, etc. but only becasue they hyave a Gearbox but on shorter tracks like Whilton, I wouldn't put any bets!