Over this year I have witnessed three serious red flag incidents involing the ramp effect with the front of the kart becoming air born when impacting the Zip front fairing. Other observers have seen (witnessed) similar incidents throughout this year as well.
We use a regulation front fairing, I have never seen a kart being launched with this type of fairing and over time I have six broken fairings which had head on impacts, none has launch the over kart.
My son has been involved in numerous incidents involving the sharp end of the Zip kart. Karts handing on him/his kart, rear wheels being lifted at top speed, launched over Zip fairings, wheels riding up the Zip fairing almost causing flipping.
When I see it happen in front of me this is enough evidence for me that something is wrong with the design. I have written to the MSA giving my evidence, as others have. The MSA have received enough eye witness evidence by now for alarm bells to ring, wouldn't you think! This has been an issue since we first raced and for whatever reason there have been more serious incidents this year.
This situation will continue until the MSA ban these dangerous fairings or (god forbid) a child is killed.
The MSA have enough evidence to act... THEY CHOOSE NOT TO.