To be honest I haven’t run in the OEKC but plenty that have and the word is very positive.
I suggested that MAX may be better purely because I know that the grid is made up mostly of MAX's but DONT let that deter you.
In recent years our team has run in 1.5hrs, 3hrs and 6hrs events, all MAX.
Some Bilands and ECO's joined in at one stage but eventually the series ended up as a strong MAX grid.
It’s great to race in. Emphasis on Strategy, Preparation and physical endurance. Consistency is also the order of the day.
Stated of in the 'GT Challenge', dabbled in 'MAX 2000' and 'ES2I'. (Blasts for the past eh lads!)
'Trackside Racing' then took from the 'GT Challenge' which then evolved into the 'Club 125' (Not to be confused with Club 100 which you may also wish to research)
Back to Modern day racing, it's really the OEKC or the MAX Enduros at Bayford Meadows in Kent.
Both run regular monthly endurance races.
See relevant clubs for more details:-
When you have really got into it the there is plenty of 'Local' European Enduro racing to be had.
24Hr racing at Spa and Lemans to name but a few but lets walk before we can run eh!! lol