The Zip nose cone has been around for a couple of years and it is only in the last 3 or 4 months that the question of safety has been seriously debated on this forum. Recent incidents should be sufficient for all reponsible parents to act and replace the nose cones and it seems ridiculous to suggest that we can only do this if the MSA ban them - it is our kids at risk. The main appatrent danger is when a Zip spins and ends up facing the wrong way. Changing the nose cones may well reduce the risk of another kart flipping but it will not remove the danger as there could still be a flip if wheels contact. The only people who will gain an advantage from the shovel effect of a Zip nose cone are the ones who deliberately drive others off the track. So, if all the fair minded drivers/parents change their nose cones it will be obvious who does not care about the safety of other drivers or who wants to drive in an unfair way. Peer power can be very powerful but all this bleeting about not wanting to be at a disadvantage seems to suggest that most people with Zip nose cones do use them to push off other drivers. I do not believe this is true so change your nose cones and then take the moral high ground with the ones who keep them.