It makes my blood boil! We run a legal nose cone so our son has the potential to be on the receiving end of a 'shovel' incident. In industry if there is a doubt about safety (and given cost implcations of course)you withdraw, but the MSA so far have managed to sit on the hedge even though it wouldnt cost anything to them - I dont get it!!!. The reputation of clean and regulated motorsport doesnt need more bad press, and if something happens it will kill under 16 racing in one fell swoop. I have written to MSA expressing concern, and to the clubs we race at who say because it is MSA legal they cant do much, the latter I question as I am sure they could ask people to consider the implications to other club members?
So the discussion has chewed the topic, what do we do as a karting community? The evidence is subjective, but is it right that as adults (karters & parents & suppliers) with knowledge & common sense that we do nothing more than talk?