If you were the unfortunate driver in the Parc ferme with the radiator artistically wrapped around the engine with the top hose ripped, then it was indeed unfortunate and expensive and ruined your race.
I was actually standing there waiting to see if I could have helped.
My son races and so I know how it feels when things aren't spotted, but unless it is spotted, there's nothing you can do except look towards the next race.
I'm not saying you in particular lack spacial awareness etc, but I am saying that a lot of the maoners do suffer from it.
Your family will be watching you almost exclusively and they will miss lots of other incidents, including those that are missed by the marshalls and observers.
They also look entirely different from different positions.
Some incidents that look clear cut, turn out to be completely different when carefullly disected in the ofice.
It is not an easy job trying to watch 25 maniacs at once.
If you feel inclined, I can give you the invitation to come to our committee meeting and voice your opinion or you can phone me, all my cotact details are in various posts on the forum if you look.
We don't exclude anyone and are always open to hearing your grievances and members do take us up on the invitation.
If you choose not to, and leave, I wish you good racing wherever you go.
It is strange how people in your position change their minds once they can actually get things off their chest in front of folk who WILL listen to you.