Something else to consider is that this is a single mum without a great deal of motorsports knowledge.
It would be useful if someone at her local track would offer assistance, even if it's only being at the side of the same awning, to help avoid those errors that we all have made in the past.
Too many novices are seen struggling away trying to cope with simple problems when the fully equipped team next door could make life so much easier. we need the novices to stay in the sport, not get pushed out because everything is too difficult even to get the kart onto the dummy grid.
As it is, there are huge differences between attitudes. At a recent event a visiting driver was unfortunate to seize his (only) engine during practice. When he didn't turn up for his first heat the immediate reaction of other drivers was "Why didn't you say, we've got a spare one". His response was that it wouldn't have happened like that where he raced normally.