The answer to your question is yes there is a rule that will be enforced by the MSA.I come from car racing and I cannot believe the behaviour both off and on the track that the clerks turn a blind eye to.The standard reply of:I didn,t see anything: is wholly unacceptable by a person or persons who are responcable for a childrens sport.If you were caught threatening anybody at a car meeting you would loose your licence,no question or the driver you were working for would loose theirs. The majority of kart meetings that I have attended seem in the most part to be totaly unregulated with some drivers ramming other competitors out of the way in what is suppose to be a non contact sport.After the race has finished we then get over enthusiastic parents who think their child is going to be the next Lewis Hamilton making threats or issuing a barrage of abuse at sombody over an incident on the track. For some reason some people think because they are at a kart meeting they can behave as they want.The reality is you can not,if you threaten somone or use threatening behaviour in front of a minor you can be arrested for it. If you are ever threatened again phone the police first and then tell the clerk of the course. The MSA will then act it works. THis kind of behaviour wants stamping out there is no excuse for it and it is getting far to commonIt dosn,t happen all the time but it does happen.