The Clerk of the Course [A(a)-7] 26. The Clerk of the Course has overall responsibility for the general conduct and control of an event from the OPENING DATE for receiving entries to the time when any protests and appeals have been dealt with. He must be present throughout practise and the competition.
Responsibilities 27. The responsibilities of the Clerk of the Course will be: • Ensure that all regulations are complied with and that all NECESSARY EQUIPMENT is available.
• Ensure that the conditions of any Permit and Track Licence HAVE BEEN FULFILLED before the start of practice or competition, and REPORT accordingly to the Stewards of the Meeting. Before doing so(and except in the case of Rallies and Classic Reliability Trials) the Clerk (or Deputy) MUST INSPECT the course and its INSTALLATIONS. Any proposals to VARY the manning or EQUIPMENT levels must receive specific written approval from the Stewards of the Meeting before the event can commence.