Ian, the Rotax class is far from being perfect, it's just not the evil you make it out to be.
We started out in TKM and moved to Rotax around ten years ago. When we were in TKM, the class had many problems just as Rotax has now.
For example to change the cylinder in the midst of this worldwide recession is pure madness, yes the class will be stronger for it but what timing! The tyres are too expensive and too soft thereby unnecessarily adding to the cost of each club meeting and yes the SEAL adds to the cost of engine rebuilds, but the up-side is that it stops a lot of cheating, of both intentional and unintentional varieties.
It's saving grace is that it's popular and you can race at any club, but that was once true of TKM!
Finally in Rotax there are those who say the seal should go and we should run on harder tyres - every month Hooton Park run a 125 Clubman class which use harder tires and Rotax's with no seal so that you can rebuild them yourself - best class in the world? - well not if you look at the entries, they average around 7 per meeting! Perhaps Rotax got it right the first time around? it's just that for me and I guess everybody else at the moment the costs need to come down.