ok what about this. Bring in the red maxxis slicks from the 4/ seniors into 2/ seniors and then allow the use of a 50mm axle on the karts allow for extra release from the karts! I think 40mm axle would be a daft idea as they are generally not stocked anymore unless Tal-ko has a massive stack of them in their workshop then theres no need to go to a 40mm version. Keep homologation and then use the same carb but increase the weight slightly for the tag oh and no castor camber too to keep it simple. I know its a u-turn on what I suggested before but this could be a good move. Instantly the juniors have something to look up to. What all you non tkm lot need to realise is our class hasa maximum price on new chassis' that keep the costs down for us. If you allow any kart to come onto our grids then you will be paying an extra thousands pounds instantly for a new kart. Whether at club or national level thats not good!
The red labels work well in 4/, they are very durable and last for a long time so its a win win situation and old karts can be converted to take the bigger axle no problem. Ok an initial expence of going to a bigger axle and different carriers bearings etc but once thats done thats it.