While I understand the problems of removing the chassis homologation I think it would suddenly make the class more popular in areas where it isn't at the minute because the cost for drivers wanting to change from Rotax etc. will decrease.
At present in some areas (well I'm going by Ireland) the rotax grids benefit a lot from KF drivers who want to race more regularly locally (where KF isn't run) b/c all they have to do is buy/hire another engine. Removing the homologation would allow TKM to get a look in here too.
Also think about it this way... I'm sure all the top TKM drivers, whether at local or S1 level, were intending to change chassis for the new homologation in Jan anyway, so the only difference on them will be spending slightly more on probably a better quality chassis.
Then could the pre-2010 chassis with a few mods not be made to run as competively against the CIK ones as the likes of the older venoms and project 1's run aginst the viper and JKH?
Food for thought?