So why would you want to use them for? Take it from me that they're a pain in the proverbial! I've used them last year and other than the fact that I didn't have to wipe clean at the end of the race there was no benefit what so ever! If anything they annoyed the life out of me! Distracting buzzing on the side of the helmet, because of the buffeting the tabs broke off and couldn't rip them when I wanted, just as well as you're not allowed to do that anyway!
Bike racers don't use them for the same reason we don't: we're too exposed to the elements and the races are too short to warrant them! In endurance or F1 (which is an endurance race after all) it is a different matter altogether. It's a distraction you can do without! Just wipe at the end of the race and away you go!
IMHO of course! Dan