Dark Cat
The simplest way (as I have said before) is to GO to a race meeting with it when you are READY. Ideally, find one where they 'scrute' on the Saturday evening before the Sunday race. You may be able to get them to scrute you BEFORE the others.
It's NOT about it 'looking' right... it's about handling the kart itself. The Scrute will wobble your stub axles, check the cables are properly routed and 'tied', that the bumper is firmly attached, the steering doesn't 'foul', that the brakes WORK, etc.. He cannot do that from a photo.
He also needs to see that your suit, helmet, boots etc. are all khosher, too. A phot will NOT show that the sole is loose on the boot, etc..
You simply HAVE to go to scrutineering before your first race, unless you LIKE taking a BIG gamble on the morning of your first race when there will be PLENTY of pressure on you already! If you plan it right, you will have a MONTH after scrutineering to correct any faults. You also get the benefit of being WITH all your new mates/enemies. Simply walk around the dummy grid (highly illegal!.... but who cares!) of the heats in which you will be racing, next month! Why not go ALL the way and actually ATTEND the previous race meeting; go to driver's briefing, watch 'sign on', etc., etc..
The less 'surprises' on the BIG day, the better!