The material that the OLD chain guards were made of was MUCH better at withstanding a 'chain fly-off' than the NEW stuff. It was a resilient plastic (nylon or polyprop... I think). The new ones can be made of VERY brittle rubbish that MAY not withstand a broken (rather than 'flipped') chain. A 'flipped' chain doesn't break-free as it gets cuaght by the axle. A broken chain CAN 'get free'.
Remember, I come from the days when broken chains occurred ALL the time and the 'Long Red Strap' was a HUGE boon! It ENDED the excitement of the 'flying chains!
The fully enclosed chain guard REDUCES the ease of inspection, lubrication and the LAZY or stupid don't take the effort to DO that stuff if it's not so easy. YES... YOU may be very good about it but you MIGHT be racing against those who AREN'T. That measn that you MIGHT end up being the recipient of a broken chain that has managed to penetrate the 'paper mache', home made, chain guards!
That looks like a substantial 'downside'!
It would be ok if they did the job that they CLAIM to do but I can STILL insert a finger into some chains where are chain guard HAS passed scrutineering!
These are NOT the 'worst thing in the world' but they are NOT the 'saviour of fingers' that they were touted as being, either! In my opinion, of course!