Why is it that it's only you old farts and gaye boys that object to us using the curbs and white lines at Rye.
101% of people who actually RACE there, enjoy the track and don't whinge and whine about the amount of curb that is taken.
Wind yer necks in and realise that Rye is still on the way up and is giving people what they want.
The nostalgia of yesteryear has no place there, we're moving forward and helping other clubs on the way, to try and boost karting in the south.
Leave it your way and it'll die.
We can't please everyone and there are some selfish people about but we find they fall away naturally.
People are realising that it is not the doss house that it was 10 years ago and that it is now the fastest improving track in the UK.
As you can see by the earlier post by a visitor from over 12 years ago, it's now a very nice place to go karting.
We had a first timer Comer cadet at the weekend who came down from Scotland and wants to come again.
We managed 3 heats and 18 plus lap finals, which ain't bad for a winter series and a full lunch break.
Karting's changing, CHANGE WITH IT!!!!!!
The past is fine but the future is rosier.