You may know, spelling is a 'bug-bear' of mine. Use it to you advantage on Ebay... as I did. You know that 'trailer' is spelled with an 'er' at the end...... not everybody knows that. Some (idiots) spell it with an 'or'. More people spell it correctly than don't..... so..... if you are looking on Ebay for a trailer.... also look for a 'trailOR', too! Why? Because most people will be spelling it correctly in the 'search' and they will thus MISS the ones spelled incorrectly! Thus, you will meat FAR fewer 'counter-bidders' on a 'trailor' than on a 'trailer'. I found our trailer for a damned nigh GIVE AWAY price and I seem to have saved about £500 on comparable trailers. As I may have suggested before, it PAYS to spell correctly! The bloke who sold the trailer to me lost about £500 because of poor spelling! Ian
PS: There are 142 items with spelled 'trailOR' on Ebay at this second! Shocking!