Simon, The DKRC non affiliation to the NKRA for 2009 is a direct response to the lack of any Blue entries in 2008. What is the point of a club joining for no benefit to any members except those who race Blues which is obviously none! The argument that Blue drivers will not enter because it's non NKRA is wrong because DKRC were members in 2008 yet still no entries. I understand that there was a personality clash between prominent figures in both camps however there was a total personnel change at Dunks in 2008 so the political argument is also false. The fact remains that Blues and TKM would be welcome if they enter. Your point that they would probably be tacked onto the 177 grid is also wrong as if the class is supported with a viable grid (8+) they will get a race. It would make no sense whatever to add them to what is the biggest club grid anyway so at least you are correct about that being unpopular.