The 'oldies' amongst us have see it all before.... sadly!
This crash has been visible on the horizon for YEARS! When you have lived though a few of them, you know the signs.... over confident Politicians, too much spending on BIZARRE purchases such as even MORE Government spending, foreign homes, BMWs, Lambourginis, HUGE TVs, over sized home loans, etc., etc..
Just do NOT believe that no one saw this coming...... they SAW it......they have just been too afraid to TELL you! I ramped-down my spending two years ago expecting the crash to come sooner than it did! The extra two year's delay for the crash will only make it need to fall 'two years worth' further!
This crash looks DEEP. Expect the knock on effects to start arriving soon if they haven't hit you YET! It WILL hit karting..... it always does! It will hit ALL non-essential spending.... it always does!
However, I can't see anything unusual about THIS crash.... except, possibly, the SCALE of it! I thus expect it to pass, in time..... just like all the OTHERS have.
Think of it like 'pruning', it will cut off a LOT of the 'wood' which was no advantage to the 'tree'; when we get through it, we'll be a leaner, fitter 'tree'.
Oh God..... bring back Margaret or her successor..... it's a shame that's not David!
For those who remember who CREATED the basis of the economy which brought our country back to life (and which Tony and Gordon have spend TEN YEARS WASTING.....), you may know, he died yesterday..... thanks for all the work, Alan Waters! My God... we need you NOW!
Oh.... one last thing. From experience of the previous 'crashes'; it'll be almost pure LUCK who survives it and who is 'wiped'! Just looking at another thread.... who would have thought the Grand Prix Racewear would 'go' so soon? For the time being, put NOTHING on your credit cards (except as a way of protecting your on-line-buying)! If you can't pay for it NOW..... do NOT BUY IT!