I don't know what it's like at YOUR circuit but there are a number of circuits 'up here' where you are ALLOWED and even ENCOURAGED to clear the WHOLE kerb with all FOUR Wheels, e.g. The left at Pylon at Rye.
And yet it is SEVERELY corrugated....... but it DOES save time and also gives you a FANTASTIC line into the NEXT corner. Used 'well', you can get 'below' ANYbody on the Legal line.
And yet....... I am pretty damned usre you'd be black flagged at the NEXT corner (Pit) if you put all four wheels OFF the track in EXACTLY the same manner.
Finally, the run-off area OUTSIDE the track round Stadium is VASTLY more grippy in the wet and IS the 'preferred line'. However, use of that are is SOMETIMES pebalised.... but not always!
It's this lack of CONSITENCY that gets me! Unlss you are a Local.... how the HELL are you supposed to know what you 'get away with'!" That is SO unfair!
Do I assume that, as an old timer, like me, you AGREE that the ONLY legal part of the track is WITHIN the white lines? We are OCCASIONALLY allowed to stray over that line 'in extremis' but NOT to use it REPEATEDLY!